Exploring the Bamboo Market in India / A brief about Beco

A beach clean-up in Mumbai made the trio—Aditya, Anuj, and Akshay—realize how real environmental damage can be. They discovered an orange wrapper, which one of their parents immediately recognized as belonging to a chocolate bar discontinued in the 1990s. Shocked? That was exactly their reaction.

The moment of enlightenment came with the mega plastic ban, leading to the rise of Beco, a company that is eco-friendly inside and out. This realization is based on the simple yet profound understanding that every plastic article we use will eventually come back to us. Beco produces its products from bamboo

Bamboo is an excellent choice for raw material in production units in India for several compelling reasons:
  • SustainabilityHarvesting bamboo does not destroy the plant. A bamboo plant can continue to grow even after 20 to 45 harvests. It is a renewable resource that stands the test of time.
  • Economic Benefits: Utilizing bamboo can boost local economies by creating jobs in cultivation, processing, and manufacturing. It provides income opportunities for rural communities and helps reduce poverty.
  • Strength and Durability: Bamboo has a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it a durable and sturdy material for construction and furniture. Its flexibility adds to its range of applications.
  • Ultimate Source: The northeastern states and West Bengal account for more than 50% of the country’s bamboo resources. Other bamboo-rich areas include the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and the Western Ghats.
Business Model:
We can manufacture and promote eco-friendly products both within India and internationally. Exports can significantly boost profits due to the large gap between the GDPs of developed countries like the USA, UK, and China compared to India. This will not only support the "Made in India" initiative but also prove profitable for manufacturers and producers on a large scale.

Beco is a brand supported by major sponsors such as RBI, Taj, and Mahindra. Its products are not only eco-friendly but also offer the best quality available in the market.

A small section on the back of the product highlights the following:

1. Certified Producer:

The product is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC works to prevent deforestation by promoting and enforcing sustainable forestry and responsible forest management practices. Specifically, the FSC audits and certifies forests worldwide to ensure they meet rigorous social and environmental sustainability standards.

We should always look for this sign if a company claims that it is sustainable and certified. 

2. Excellent Marketing:

Phrases like "Becomes one with Nature in 6 months" and "Treat It, Drop It, Forget It!" exemplify effective marketing strategies that attract consumers.

3. Eco-Friendly:

Choosing eco-friendly bamboo products helps reduce your carbon footprint. Bamboo is a sustainable material that grows quickly and requires minimal resources. By opting for high-quality bamboo-based products, you support environmentally conscious practices and contribute to a greener planet.


These kitchen towels can be used upto a 100 times!! Yes, a 100 times.These kitchen towels are 5x more absorbent, hand and machine washable and just overall your very own kitchen superhero. PS :And you can use these on ALL surfaces!


Beco garbage bags are made from Cornstarch, are leakproof and 3x stronger. But the best part is, they don’t add to your trash and completely compost in 6 months. Why add to the trash when you can actually reduce it?



In conclusion, there are many brands like Beco in the market that claim to produce sustainable products. But are we truly committed to concepts like eco-friendliness and sustainability? It is human nature for consumers to prioritize personal gains over other factors.

Hence, it is vital for the government to implement stringent measures regarding the use of these products. Such actions would not only promote employment for producers and manufacturers but also boost the country’s exports—considering that India has significant opportunities in the bamboo market. Additionally, it would encourage healthier lifestyles among consumers and offer many other benefits.

Until the next time , It's Productwizz signing off !!


  1. A very good research and a very good write up. Keep up the good work

  2. A very good research and a very good write up. Keep up the good work!


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